Have you ever felt that surge of motivation to get organized so you roll up your sleeves and dive in. You get a space or two organized. You feel good. You feel accomplished. All is good, right? For the moment it is, but a few weeks (or less) later it's all a mess again!
This is called the hamster wheel of home organizing and you want off!
You need to know exactly what it's going to take to get started, get organized and ultimately stay organized. That is exactly what you learn in this free course The Secrets to Lasting Home Organization.
In this module you learn 5 strategies. Each of these strategies helps you get started with the end in mind. When you start with the end in mind, you set yourself up to successfully stay organized through every season of life and say goodbye to the hamster wheel of home organizing!
In this module you learn 3 strategies. These strategies introduce you to exactly how you can lay a solid foundation of home organizing. Every home organizing journey must include these 3 strategies in order to get organized and ultimately stay organized.
Before I had kids I was a pretty organized person, but after... everything changed. What once worked for me to keep my home somewhat organized no longer worked. When I started losing important papers and drowning in boxes of our stuff I realized that I had to let go of everything I used to know in the world of home organization and start fresh. I realized I was actually a...
When you come at a task with "beginners eyes" you're able to get back to basics and build a solid foundation.
To learn a bit more about me click here.