What is a utility room exactly?
It’s the space in your home where things like the furnace and water heater are. Oftentimes there’s unused space in these rooms. Our utility room is in the basement. It houses our furnace, water softener, water heater and chest freezer. It also has a door that goes up to the garage and the opening under the stairs going to the main level of our home. It’s unfinished, meaning the floor is just concrete and the walls are just the bare studs and concrete for the exterior walls.
It’s been a bit of a dumping ground for things we aren’t sure what to do with, like are we ready to get rid of them or do we still want to keep them. The kids nerf guns are actually all hanging down there on a rack that we hung on the wall studs.
You want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.
Instead of leaving the utility room unused or where things just get dumped, you can use it as extra storage space. In this episode I’ll share with you how to organize your utility room by creating an intentional storage plan.
It’s just where you take some time to really think about what you want to store in the space and why.
I’m a proponent of focusing on the function when organizing anything. When you do so, you’re more likely to keep the space organized. That’s the first reason why - so that you can keep the space organized.
Our utility room has some ad hoc shelving. It used to house the kids' toys when they were little. Now it’s got the off season coats, shoes, boots and such. This is functional for us because we’re able to swap out the seasonal clothing easily and what we’re not using at the time isn’t clogging up our high traffic areas on the main level. So, does that make sense? Keeping functionality in mind when you are creating an intentional storage plan helps keep the space organized.
Another reason to create an intentional storage plan for your utility room is that as you’re living daily life you’ll know right away if something should be stored there. It becomes a quick decision versus a deliberation in your own mind or with your family.
The outcome you will have is to document what types of items will be stored in the utility room and if you need to acquire storage tools like racking, bins or boxes. Once you have this documented, you’re able to put your plan into action with the help of your family.
Step 1 - Assess the space
Go to the utility room and assess the current state of the space. Bring a notebook and pen.
Make note of what things are already stored in the space. Make a quick sketch of the space including the walls and any equipment that is there. This helps you know what you have to work around.
Step 2 - Determine your starting point
Will you need to declutter the space first, tidy the space first or do you have a clean slate?
Review the list of what is already stored in the space. Thinking in terms of functionality, do these things make sense to store there or not? Note next to each item if it needs to be moved out of that space and stored elsewhere. At this point, when you have things already stored in the space you’ll begin to gain a sense of what your intentional storage plan will be.
If you’re starting with a clean slate you may have some ideas or you may not. It’s all good either way.
Step 3 - Focus on the function
Now you’ve dealt with what is already in the space, let’s think through ease of access or frequency of access. If your utility area is in the basement like mine is, is it easy to access the space? Maybe your basement isn’t finished and it’s damp and dark and just an area you don’t really want to go into very often. Your utility area could be on the main level of your home and be rather small. It can still be functional for you, you just have to take the facts into consideration. Be honest with yourself. Would it make sense to store holiday decorations or a roaster that is only used a couple of times a year? Perhaps it's an area where you can house the things that you’ll be donating when you are ready to take them in. Is there vertical space that you’ll need a step stool for?
Write the functionality factors down - like infrequently used things. Boxed items only. Holiday storage. Does that make sense?
Step 4 - Finalize documentation
You have your notes, now it’s time to finalize them.
Type up or start a new page in your notebook. Write out the plan. Include your starting point.
Will you need to declutter the space first, tidy the space first or do you have a clean slate?
Include your functionality factors.
And finally, include any storage tools you’ll need. Boxes, bins, stool, etc.
with your specific home organizing journey, shoot me an email at tammy@homeorganizingforbeginners.com so that we can connect and get a solution that works for you, your family and your current season of life.
I get it. Daily life so easily has us feeling like we’re running around like chickens with their heads cut off. What if you could learn how to clean and organize your home in a truly effective and lasting way? In the online course Home Organizing for Beginners that is exactly what I teach you. It’s so important when cleaning and organizing your home to consider how you and your family live life each day. It’s a must to set yourself up for success with a home that you can whip back into shape anytime life gets out of control.
To learn more go to homeorganizingforbeginners.com.
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As a mom looking for a fresh start in her home organizing journey, you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? That means you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.