Blog The Best Way to Get Stuff Done when you feel overwhelmed - Overcoming Overwhelm at Home - Capture System

The Best Way to Get Stuff Done when you feel overwhelmed - Overcoming Overwhelm at Home - Capture System



The whole concept of a capture system is what I had been looking for seemingly forever, but until I found it I didn’t know it’s what I needed or that I was even looking for it. Are you like… what was that?!

With a capture system I don’t stress or get overwhelmed as often. 

I think my search for a capture system started when my oldest was younger and she had the opportunity to play summer softball with her friends. We talked about it and decided we would sign her up. Weeks went by and I didn’t hear anything back from the coaches. So, I decided to send an email to the coach… I was actually pretty irritated because I needed to get our summer schedule together. I needed to know when practices and games and everything were. So I sent the email and asked some questions and got a reply that my daughter wasn’t signed up.

Oh my word! I thought for sure she was wrong!

I started sifting through all the piles of paper we had laying all over the house. It took me at least an hour, but I was driven to prove them wrong. Well, come to find - I’d never sent the form in. It was still sitting in a pile with a check attached to it. It was a humbling experience and one I still haven’t forgotten after all these years.

To see the tears stream down my little girl's face is an image imprinted on my brain.

That plus, the fact that I truly believed I had sent the form in pushed me to get our home better organized and to research different ways to manage all the things that I needed to do. Managing a household is a lot of work and it’s not all easy!

As someone who is or feels like they’re just starting their home organizing journey you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right?  In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.

Instead of allowing overwhelm to rule your life and make you feel anxious and frustrated, you can create a capture system so that you have something you can depend on to capture all your thoughts, ideas and to-do’s. In this episode I’ll share the components of a capture system, the only tool I use within my capture system and how you can implement the same thing or something similar.


This really isn’t about the tool you use. Instead it’s about the actual system, the process. That it’s something YOU can depend on to capture all the things you have to do, want to do, want someone else to do. To feel less overwhelmed  you have to get everything out of your mind and into something you trust. The trust factor is HUGE, right. If you do a brain dump onto paper and leave it there, if you don’t have time to update it daily it won’t be something you truly trust. Does that make sense? A capture system allows you to prevent your mind from filling up with your to-do list which allows you to think more clearly and ultimately be more productive.

Here are the most important components of a capture system:

  • Easy to add to the list
  • Easy to assign priority, date/time to be completed
  • Easy to modify the priority, date/time to be completed
  • Accessible no matter where you are

So. This is it. A Capture system is a system that you can depend on every single time to not only capture what you need or want to get done, but also allows you to regularly review and prioritize. It’s dependable because you use it. You always go back to it no matter what. You can update it quickly and you don’t stress or get as overwhelmed because of this DEPENDABLE capture system. Things won’t fall through the cracks.


I’ve been using the Reminders app on my iPhone for years now. I can actually go back and see the “completed” tasks from years back if I wanted to!  I share screenshots and screen recordings at Go check it out when you get a moment.

I use this app for several reasons, but mostly because it meets all the important components of a capture system. I can easily add to the lists by using Siri. So when I’m driving I can add to the list. This was a game changer! The priority or due date and time are easily changed and can be changed in mass. I’m able to click several items and move them all at once. And it’s free. That’s a bonus!

I tried all sorts of different ways to track what I needed to do. Planners with to-do lists. Google Sheets, Calendar events and meetings, Google Keep, Notes on my phone. Some aspects of each worked. For example I have a list of bills that I pay every month and the amount I paid that was created during this time. I still use it and maintain it. Pay Bills is a to-do, and the details of each bill/link/amount is listed in the list.

The absolute main thing you need to know is that the capture system works when you use it. So, the tool I use may not be the tool you use. Understanding what components are important will help you devise or select what works best for you.

If you want to bounce ideas off of someone to help you develop your own capture system, one that YOU can depend on. I’m happy to help. Go to and click the Ask Me Anything link. Fill out the form and I’ll get back to you. This is a completely free service! My experience and expertise in your inbox! All you have to do is ask.

If you want to see screenshots and short video clips of my capture system, go to


I’ll warn you now, this will take trial and error. In order to find the best capture system that works for you, you have to try different ones.

1. Decide what components of a capture system are important to you. Start with my list, add to it or take away from it. The components are:

  • Easy to add to the list
  • Easy to assign priority, date/time to be completed
  • Easy to modify the priority, date/time to be completed
  • Accessible no matter where you are

2. Do a little research on what the different tools are that you may want to try.

  • Reminders on iPhone
  • Google Keep - Apple and Android accessible
  • ToDoist - you may have to pay for this
  • Asana
  • Google Tasks
  • Microsoft To Do
  • Pen and paper

Think through what your preferences are in using tech or traditional tools. Lean into what comes naturally. You should not tell yourself, if I would just do XYZ, then I could make this work. It’s good to challenge yourself, but when trying new things like a capture system you want to start where you are. You can always grow from that point.

3. Start with a brain dump into the tool you have chosen to use. It will feel clunky at first, but stick with it. Keep trying. If you feel it’s not working. Go back to step 1 and try again. 

Whatever you do, don’t give up. This can be life changing. To know you have everything important to you captured in a system that works for you truly opens up so much capacity for other things or to simply rest.




If you are tech savvy and want to try out using the Reminders app on Android here are some tools to help you along the way.

To create an apple ID on Android:

Then log into using your apple ID


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As a mom looking for a fresh start in her home organizing journey, you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? That means you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.

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